Employees working at a high rise building begin encountering a series of strange occurrences. Ken, a recent hire who attracts to the lovely, but spiritually harried Shan. Meanwhile, Pat is apparently terrorized by the evil demon who resides...
新人阿Pat(莫文蔚 饰)刚来这栋大楼的一间公司上班,遇到了前男友阿Ken(冯德伦 饰)。两人聊了一会儿,随后阿Pat乘电梯回公司。电梯内一...
Trois différentes histoires ayant comme ligne conductrice un immeuble de bureau ou chaque année, neuf personnes doivent y trouver la mort.
음력 7월이 되면 꼭 9명의 사람이 죽어나간다는 빌딩의 이야기를 다룬 도시괴담 형태의 영화