“视而不见,与刽子手同罪”。 系列首部超长剧场版,故事围绕发生在山东临清诸多江湖门派之间波诡云谲的斗争展开,主角漕帮少主罗通卷入了一场针对漕帮的阴谋,面对即...
"Turning a blind eye is the same crime as the executioner". The first extra-long theatrical version of the series, the story revolves around the treacherous struggle that takes place in Shandong Linqing between many Jianghu sects, th...
"Turning a blind eye is the same crime as the executioner" De eerste extra lange theatrale versie van de serie, het verhaal draait om de verraderlijke strijd die plaatsvindt in Shandong Linqing tussen vele Jianghu-sekten, de hoofdpersoon Ca...
"Fazer vista grossa é o mesmo crime que o carrasco". A primeira versão teatral extra longa da série, a história gira em torno da luta traiçoeira que ocorre em Shandong Linqing entre muitas seitas Jianghu, o protagonista Cao Gang jovem ...