Bonded in their youth and separated by tragedy, an astronaut and a free diver bend the laws of space and time in their efforts to be together again.
"O amor é mais profundo que o oceano. e maior que o universo."
故事描述了宇航员琳(Freen Sarocha Chankimha 饰)和深海潜水员凯丝(Rebecca Patricia "Becky" Armstrong 饰)之间比宇宙更广阔、比海洋更深邃的爱情故事。 琳梦想着探索外太空,渴望有一天...
世間是否存在一種愛的萬有引力,能打破輪迴,讓戀人在某個宇宙擺脫離別的痛苦,永遠相守? 太空人琳(Freen 飾)與潛水選手嘉菲(Becky 飾)從好友昇華為戀人,彼此扶持,攜手...